
Ranveer Gokulgandhi

Total Score: 47/105

  • Sports Arena : DPS international
  • Grade : MYP 2B
  • Sports : Basketball


Tasks Remarks Rating
Play with confidence Foundational Understanding
Good decision making Emerging Awareness
Focused Competent
Enthusiastic Competent
Committed Foundational Understanding
Disciplined Competent

02Technical Skills

Criteria Benchmark Remark Rating
Right-hand control Dribble in a straight line for 20 meters without losing control Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Left-hand control Dribble in a straight line for 20 meters without losing control Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Crossover Successfully perform 10 crossovers in 15 seconds Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Free Throw Consistency Makes 4 out of 5 free throws Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Jump Shot Technique Uses correct form for 4 out of 5 jump shots from 12 feet Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Layups (Right & Left) Scores 3 out of 5 times with both right and left hands Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Chest, Bounce, & Overhead pass consistency Passes accurately to a partner 15 feet away 4 out of 5 times for each type of pass Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Under pressure Catches a fast-paced pass 4 out of 5 times under defensive pressure Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Man-to-Man Stance Maintains correct defensive stance and movement in a 1-on-1 drill for 60 seconds Competent ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Rebounding Successfully rebounds 4 out of 6 simulated missed shots Competent ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Spin & Behind the-back Successfully completes 4 out of 5 tries for each skill Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Pivoting & Post Moves Executes 3 distinct post moves with correct footwork Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐

03Physical Attributes

Criteria Benchmark Remark Rating
Endurance & Agility Completes a 4-minute agility course without errors Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐

04Psycological Attributes

Criteria Benchmark Remark Rating
Game Position Role Demonstrates correct positioning and role understanding during a game simulation Foundational Understanding ⭐ ⭐
Off-ball Movement Demonstrates 3 off-ball movement strategies effectively Competent ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Level Intermediate
Coach Notes Gokul is good in ball handling and in passing, he need to work on his layups and rebounding. Thank you

Proposed plan for the next three months:

  • Month 1:

    • Focus on improving layup technique:
      • Drills to practice proper footwork and body control during layups
      • Repetition of layup drills from different angles
      • Emphasize using the correct hand and finishing with the appropriate foot
    • Develop rebounding skills:
      • Box-out drills to improve positioning and timing
      • Practice jumping and timing to grab rebounds
      • Work on boxing out opponents to secure rebounds
  • Month 2:

    • Continue refining layup technique:
      • Implement game-like scenarios for layup practice
      • Work on finishing layups with contact
      • Improve ability to finish with either hand
    • Enhance rebounding skills:
      • Implement rebounding drills with defenders to simulate game situations
      • Foster instincts for tracking the ball and pursuing rebounds
      • Focus on quick reaction and anticipation for rebounds
  • Month 3:

    • Consolidate layup technique:
      • Challenge Gokul to perform difficult layup variations
      • Work on finishing layups in traffic and against shot blockers
      • Emphasize decision-making on when to attempt a layup or pass
    • Master rebounding skills:
      • Simulate game-like rebounding situations with multiple opponents
      • Focus on securing offensive rebounds and converting them into points
      • Develop ability to read the trajectory of missed shots for optimal rebounding positioning