
Rishabh Jain

Total Score: 70/95

  • Sports Arena : DPS international
  • Grade : 4A
  • Sports : Chess


Tasks Remarks Rating
Play with confidence Proficient
Good decision making Proficient
Focused Competent
Enthusiastic Proficient
Committed Competent
Disciplined Proficient

02Technical Skills

Criteria Benchmark Remark Rating
Recognizing pieces Correctly names all pieces & their starting positions Proficient ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Basic movements Correctly moves each piece (Pawns, Knights, Bishops, etc.) Proficient ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
En passant, castling, pawn promotion Demonstrates or explains special moves Proficient ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Identifying and setting up Sets up a basic pin/skewer scenario Proficient ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Identifying and executing Successfully forks two pieces using a knight Proficient ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Understanding the difference Demonstrates a basic checkmate pattern Proficient ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Center control, piece development, king safety Demonstrates a simple opening with these principles Proficient ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Basic checkmate technique Successfully checkmates with king & rook vs. king Proficient ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Promoting a pawn Demonstrates pawn promotion to a queen and winning Proficient ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

03Tactical Skills

Criteria Benchmark Remark Rating
Focus & Concentration Maintains focus through a 10-move sequence Competent ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Basic Calculation Visualizes 2 moves ahead in a given position Competent ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

04Physical Attributes

Criteria Benchmark Remark Rating
Ability to maintain energy Plays a 30-minute game without signs of fatigue Competent ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Moving pieces with precision Successfully moves pieces without fumbling for 10 moves Competent ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Level Beginner
Coach Notes Clear and calm mindset. Suggesting to take time and have patience while playing

Proposed plan for the next three months:

  • Month 1:

    • Clear and calm mindset:
      • Practice meditation and visualization exercises to improve focus and concentration.
      • Develop a pre-game routine to help relax and prepare mentally before each match.
      • Work on managing emotions and staying composed during challenging situations.
    • Technical Skills:
      • Review and analyze past games to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement.
      • Work on opening repertoire by studying different openings and their variations.
      • Practice endgame techniques and study famous endgame positions.
    • Tactical Skills:
      • Solve tactical puzzles and exercises regularly to improve calculation and pattern recognition.
      • Study tactical themes such as forks, pins, skewers, and discovered attacks.
      • Participate in online blitz tournaments or friendly matches to practice tactical play.
    • Physical Attributes:
      • Engage in regular physical exercise to improve stamina and endurance.
      • Practice relaxation techniques to reduce physical tension during games.
      • Focus on maintaining a healthy diet and getting enough rest and sleep for optimal performance.
  • Month 2:

    • Clear and calm mindset:
      • Continue with meditation and visualization exercises to enhance mental clarity.
      • Practice mindfulness techniques to stay present and focused during games.
      • Work on developing a positive and resilient attitude towards setbacks and mistakes.
    • Technical Skills:
      • Study and analyze master games to gain a deeper understanding of positional play.
      • Focus on specific strategic concepts such as pawn structure and piece coordination.
      • Work on improving time management skills during games.
    • Tactical Skills:
      • Continue solving tactical puzzles and exercises, gradually increasing difficulty.
      • Study different mating patterns and practice identifying them in game scenarios.
      • Participate in online rapid or classical tournaments to practice long-term strategic planning.
    • Physical Attributes:
      • Explore additional physical activities to improve overall fitness and coordination.
      • Incorporate stretching and relaxation exercises to prevent muscle fatigue and stiffness.
      • Consider consulting with a sports nutritionist for personalized dietary recommendations.
  • Month 3:

    • Clear and calm mindset:
      • Continue with mindfulness practices to maintain focus and composure under pressure.
      • Visualize success and positive outcomes before important games.
      • Reflect on past achievements and progress to boost confidence.
    • Technical Skills:
      • Play practice games against stronger opponents to challenge and improve positional understanding.
      • Study different pawn structures and their typical plans and strategies.
      • Work on improving calculation accuracy and efficiency.
    • Tactical Skills:
      • Continue solving complex tactical puzzles and exercises regularly.
      • Study famous combinations and sacrifices from chess history.
      • Participate in local chess club tournaments or online simuls to gain practical experience.
    • Physical Attributes:
      • Maintain regular physical exercise routine and focus on specific muscle groups used in chess.
      • Incorporate breathing exercises and mental relaxation techniques during games.
      • Ensure adequate rest and recovery before important tournaments or matches.